Thursday 27 August 2020


One of the most important contributions of the British culture is in the literature, that's because the novels were invented there! and some of the most important poets, plawrights or singers in the history were from the United Kingdom, we can mention "The Beatles" or "Queen", and the music genre called "rock" is from the UK.

But one of the most important historical events started in the UK, that event is the industrial revolution, a complete change in lifestyle of people all around the world, which happened in the second half of the XVIII century. This revolution made the actual world, the firsts factories and big scale industrial projects were made in this epoch and many devices were invented, for example the vapor boat, trains, and the blast furnaces. However not everything was good, because of this revolution the differences between rich and poor grew exponentially and the people became just workers for the owners of the factories, this event was the explosion of the capitalism and the usage of fossil fuels, of course those things changed the world forever as we can see today.

Other contributions of the UK's culture in the world are the football, cricket, the English language, which is one of the most important languages today and is used for international business, is the language of internet and basically it is used almost for everything nowadays. An interesting fact is that the letter font called "Times New Roman" which is the standard for most of the written texts around the world was created in the UK, by the newspaper "The Times" which was founded in 1785 by John Walter. And finally, one of the oldest universities in human history is in the UK, there are evidences that the Oxford university was already opened in the year 1096, it has been working since the medieval age!

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