Wednesday 2 September 2020


 In the UK people love sports, but there are some that are specially loved by the Brits, here is some of them, with a little information about each one:

  • Football: obviously, the most popular sport in the UK football, also known as soccer in the USA. It has many different origins, from American indigenous to china, there were a lot of ancient sports which can be classified as football predecessors. However, the modern football game was created in England, when the first Football association in the history was founded, in 1863.

  • Golf: the first official golf match was played in 1502, after this Scottish game was allowed to play because in 1457 the king Jacob the II banned the golf in England to increase the amount of people who was playing archery.

  • Badminton: The origin of this game is actually in India in the XVIII century, the sport didn't arrived in the UK until 1860, when the British army brought it after being in India. The official rules were created in 1887 by the Bath Badminton Club and in 1895, the British Badminton Association began being the manager of the sports in the world.

  • Cricket: this sport arrived in England at the end of the medieval age. The oldest mention of this sport is from the XVI century and the most ancient match was played in 1646. Nowadays the sport isn't very popular outside the UK.

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