Monday 31 August 2020



The Union Jack is the flag of the United Kingdom and is a combination of 3 flags, it was created in 1606 and updated in 1801 due to the addition of Ireland. As I said before, there are 3 flags in the union jack:

  1. Saint Georgeo's cross: A red cross over a white bottom. Its history can be tracked until the XII century, when the cross was used by the templar knights during the crusades. The Saint Georgeo's cross is the flag of England and represent the attributes of Saint Georgeo which are strength, victory, bravery, purity and firmness.
  2. Cross of Saint Andrew: A white "X" over a blue bottom, this is the Scottish flag and its history quite interesting, Saint Andre whose brother was Pedro the first Jesus's apostle, and when he was sentenced to die in the cross, he didn't want to die in the same way as Jesus because according to him, he wasn't worthy for that, the Romans crucified him in a special cross, that cross had the form of an "X".
  3. Saint Patrick's cross: A red "X" over a white bottom, this is the flag of Ireland and it can be tracked until the IV century, in those years lived a men whose name was Patricius, was kidnapped by pirates and sold as a slave in Ireland, he dedicated his life to preach the Christianism. At the beginning, the Irish people weren't agreed with the Brits because they made the flag red instead of green, the discussion continued for years but at the end it was red.


As the same says, this is the coat of arms of the United Kingdom and it is full of symbols and important figures for the country, it was adopted in 1837 and its symbols are:
  • Lion, official animal of England.
  • Unicorn, official animal of Scotland.
  • Cardo, Tudor rose and Clover: official flowers of Scotland, England and Ireland respectively.
  • "Dieu et mon droit": Motto of the English monarchs in French ("God and my right").
  • "Honi soit qui mal y pense": motto of the garter order ("shame on anyone who thinks evil of it")
  • Saint Eduard's crown
  • Scottish royal crown
  • Cardo's order necklace

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