Tuesday 1 September 2020


 The British culture consists in hundreds of stories from many cultures such as Celtics, Christians, and a lot of pagan religions. The story are about every kind of topic, from spells and witches to knights and thieves; there are hundreds or maybe thousands of tales and ancient magic creatures that are interesting, and here is some of the most famous and important ones:

  • Robin hood: We all know about the thief who robbed the rich to give the loot to the poor, but the story is pretty different from what we know, it is much more bloody and dark, in the oldest registry of the character, which is a ballad from the XV century and whose name is "Robin hood and the Monk", Little John murdered a monk and a boy, then he rescued Robin Hood from the King's dungeon. There are many versions of the story and it is deformed in every traduction or rewriting process.

  • King Arthur: there is an ague about the existence of Arthur, some people think that he existed several years ago, they think that he may was a person who stopped the Saxon's invasion, but there is the possibility that he is only a character of a cavalry tale. The only thing that we know is that his story inspired a lot of books and movies, and the story of the king Arthur and the blessed sword named Excalibur is one of the most famous tales ever made.

  • There are some characters who are in many tales and they are more general and don't a main tale or story:
    • Dragons: giant reptiles which spit fire or poisonous liquids.
    • Dwarfs: humanoid creatures which are short and have many different skills depending on the tale, sometimes they are expert miners and in other situations forge masters.
    • Elves: Humanoid creatures which have supernatural magical powers and are incredibly beauty
    • Trolls: huge monsters that love eating humans, they are humanoid and sometimes have a lot of money
    • Leprechauns: Little humanoid beings which love gold and are make shoes, leprechauns like joking and are lonely.

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