Tuesday 1 September 2020


-The tea hour: every day at 5pm, Brits drink tea. We know that the tradition was already set in 1750, and the tea arrived at the UK in 1610 through the Dutch traders. Nowadays 60 billion teacups are drunk every year.

-Punctuality: for Brits is particularly important to arrive on time or before the agreed hour of the arrangement, in the UK if you arrive late, they consider it a complete disrespectful act.

-Pubs: pubs are the symbol of social activities in the UK, people usually go there to meet friends and in general, is quite common to go to a pub for informal meetings.

-Shaking the hand: In the UK you shouldn't greet people neither with a kiss nor a hug, you should always greet shaking the hand, Brits often got uncomfortable or even hurt if you are so informal.

-Politeness: Brits are very polite and you should be too if you don't want to hurt them, is pretty important to say "please", "thanks" and those kinds of words always, people may call you rude or disrespectful if you aren't polite.

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